Bonding height of skin film press
A. Schematic diagram of Skin sensitive film press measurement
B. Measurement object (adhesive coated on the edge of CMOS package)
C. 3D image processing (OK example: height uniformity of adhesive)
D. 3D image processing (ng example: uneven coating height detected)
In the packaging process of applying adhesive to the edge of CMOS packaging and bonding glass, once the height, position and volume (coating amount) of adhesive are poor, the air tightness of packaging will be reduced and the performance and deterioration resistance of products will be affected.
Combined with the 3D image processing shape detection of the "vision system" of the ultra-high speed profilometer, it can not only detect the width of the adhesive and the coating interruption, but also correctly detect the coating height which is difficult to be realized by the image sensor. It can also carry out 64000 times / s ultra-high speed sampling, which is suitable for online detection with short production time of single product.
Before the emergence of 3D detection method, in the detection of printed circuit board pad (PAD) automatically coated with solder paste before reflow process, it is necessary to identify the coating area through image sensor.
It can not only identify Skin sensitive film press the area of coated solder paste, but also measure the height, volume and position at high speed. Even if the components are configured with high-density printed circuit boards, high-precision coating detection can be carried out.