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Manufacturing process of pet flat pasting machine parts with glue

2022-02-12 02:03:56

Manufacturing process of pet flat pasting machine parts with glue

Coating (coating and mounting) process is used in various pasting machine parts with glue  product and component manufacturing processes.

Use functional adhesive for bonding to realize lightweight, miniaturization and strength improvement; By replacing solid parts with coating, reducing processes, man hours and materials, simplifying process switching, and carrying out efficient production research and development based on coating in advance for the practicability of new technologies and new products, these developments have been more common.

pasting machine parts with glue

The following will introduce the coating (coating and mounting) process for the purpose of "bonding" and "function giving and surface treatment" in the manufacturing of various industrial products and components.

With the miniaturization of various digital devices, the electronic components of these devices are constantly realizing high-density and miniaturization. In this context, the bonding and coating of electronic components are realizing miniaturization and improving production efficiency through more precise and micro coating (coating and mounting) technology.

Film and sheet substrate processing using coating and mounting technology is being used for various purposes, including cutting-edge electronic equipment and components, liquid crystal display components, food packaging, etc. According to the actual use, the coating and mounting devices used are also very different.

The following will classify and explain the coating and mounting of films and sheets for various purposes of bonding (lamination) and coating (function giving and surface treatment).

Film and sheet substrate processing using coating and mounting technology is being used for various purposes, including cutting-edge electronic equipment and components, liquid crystal display components, food packaging, etc. According to the actual use, the coating and mounting devices used are also very different.

The following will pasting machine parts with glue classify and explain the coating and mounting of films and sheets for various purposes of bonding (lamination) and coating (function giving and surface treatment).

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